
(students, postdocs, and senior research associates underlined)


  • Su Y, Zhu R, Meiburg E, Wilhelmus MM “On the biological hydrodynamic transport of upward and downward cruising copepods”, Physical Review Fluids, submitted.

  • Kim M, Manucharyan GE, Wilhelmus MM “Characterization of sea ice kinematics over oceanic eddies”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in review.

  • Zhipeng L , Tack N, Wilhelmus MM , Li C “Edge Vortex Interaction Minimizes Drag in Shrimp Swimming”, Physical Review Fluids, in review.

  • Tack N, Oliveira Santos S, Wilhelmus MM “Going around the bend to understand the role of leg coalescence in metachronal swimming”, Journal of Experimental Biology, in review.

  • Watkins DM, Buckley E, Kim M, Wilhelmus MM “Observing floe-scale sea ice motion in the Greenland Sea marginal ice zone during summer”, Annals of Glaciology, in review.

  • Ahmed A, Fox-Kemper B, Watkins DM, Wexler D, Wilhelmus MM “Estuarine Temperature Variability: Integrating Four Decades of Remote Sensing Observations and In-situ Sea Surface Measurements”, Remote Sensing of Environment, in press.


  • Tack N, Oliveira Santos S, Gemmell BJ, Wilhelmus MM (2024) “Ups and downs: Copepods reverse the near-body flow to cruise in the water column”, Marine Biology, 171: 207.

  • Buckley E, Cañuelas L, Timmermans ML, Wilhelmus MM (2024) “Seasonal Evolution of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution from Two Decades of MODIS Data”, The Cryosphere, 18: 5031–5043.


  • Watkins DM, Bliss AC, Hutchings J, Wilhelmus MM (2023) “Evidence of abrupt transitions between sea ice dynamical regimes in the East Greenland marginal ice zone”, Geophysical Research Letters, 50: e2023GL103558.

  • Oliveira Santos S, Tack N, Su Y, Cuenca-Jimenez F, Morales-Lopez O, Gomez-Valdez PA, Wilhelmus MM (2023) “Pleobot: a modular robotic solution for metachronal swimming”, Scientific Reports, 13: 9574.

  • Su Y, Wilhelmus MM, Zenit R (2023) “Asymmetry of motion: Vortex rings crossing a density gradient”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 960: R1.


  • Covington J, Chen N, Wilhelmus MM (2022) “Bridging gaps in the climate observation network: A physics-based nonlinear dynamical interpolation of Lagrangian ice floe measurements via data-driven stochastic models”, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14: e2022MS003218.

  • Manucharyan GE, Lopez-Acosta R, Wilhelmus MM (2022) “Spinning ice floes reveal intensification of mesoscale eddies in the western Arctic Ocean”, Scientific Reports, 12: 7070.

  • Sulpis O, Humphreys MP, Wilhelmus MM , Carroll D, Berelson WM, Menemenlis D, Middelburg JJ, Adkins JF (2022) “RADIv1: a non-steady-state early diagenetic model for ocean sediments in Julia and MATLAB/GNU Octave”, Geoscientific Model Development, 15: 2105–2131.


  • Rage G, Atasi O, Wilhelmus MM, Hernandez-Sanchez JF, Haut B, Scheid B, Legendre D, Zenit R (2020) “Bubbles determine the amount of alcohol in Mezcal”, Nature Communications, 10: 11014.

  • Wilhelmus MM, Nawroth JC, Bhargav R, Dabiri JO (2020) “Effect of swarm configuration on fluid transport during vertical collective motion”, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 15: 015002.


  • Palacios-Muniz B, Rosario A, Wilhelmus MM, Zetina S, Zenit R (2019) “Pollock avoided hydrodynamic instabilities to paint with his dripping technique”, PLoS One, 4(10): e0223706.

  • Lopez-Acosta R, Schodlok M, Wilhelmus MM, (2019) “Ice Floe Tracker: An algorithm to automatically retrieve Lagrangian trajectories via feature matching from moderate-resolution visual imagery”, Remote Sensing of Environment, 234: 111406.



  • Wilhelmus MM, Dabiri JO (2014) “Observations of large-scale fluid transport by laser-guided plankton aggregations”, Physics of Fluids, 26: 101302.