(students, postdocs, and senior research associates underlined)
Su Y, Zhu R, Meiburg E, Wilhelmus MM “On the biological hydrodynamic transport of upward and downward cruising copepods”, Physical Review Fluids, submitted.
Kim M, Manucharyan GE, Wilhelmus MM “Characterization of sea ice kinematics over oceanic eddies”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in review.
Zhipeng L , Tack N, Wilhelmus MM , Li C “Edge Vortex Interaction Minimizes Drag in Shrimp Swimming”, Physical Review Fluids, in review.
Tack N, Oliveira Santos S, Wilhelmus MM “Going around the bend to understand the role of leg coalescence in metachronal swimming”, Journal of Experimental Biology, in review.
Watkins DM, Buckley E, Kim M, Wilhelmus MM “Observing floe-scale sea ice motion in the Greenland Sea marginal ice zone during summer”, Annals of Glaciology, in review.
Ahmed A, Fox-Kemper B, Watkins DM, Wexler D, Wilhelmus MM “Estuarine Temperature Variability: Integrating Four Decades of Remote Sensing Observations and In-situ Sea Surface Measurements”, Remote Sensing of Environment, in press.
Tack N, Oliveira Santos S, Gemmell BJ, Wilhelmus MM (2024) “Ups and downs: Copepods reverse the near-body flow to cruise in the water column”, Marine Biology, 171: 207.
Buckley E, Cañuelas L, Timmermans ML, Wilhelmus MM (2024) “Seasonal Evolution of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution from Two Decades of MODIS Data”, The Cryosphere, 18: 5031–5043.
Watkins DM, Bliss AC, Hutchings J, Wilhelmus MM (2023) “Evidence of abrupt transitions between sea ice dynamical regimes in the East Greenland marginal ice zone”, Geophysical Research Letters, 50: e2023GL103558.
Oliveira Santos S, Tack N, Su Y, Cuenca-Jimenez F, Morales-Lopez O, Gomez-Valdez PA, Wilhelmus MM (2023) “Pleobot: a modular robotic solution for metachronal swimming”, Scientific Reports, 13: 9574.
Su Y, Wilhelmus MM, Zenit R (2023) “Asymmetry of motion: Vortex rings crossing a density gradient”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 960: R1.
Covington J, Chen N, Wilhelmus MM (2022) “Bridging gaps in the climate observation network: A physics-based nonlinear dynamical interpolation of Lagrangian ice floe measurements via data-driven stochastic models”, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14: e2022MS003218.
Manucharyan GE, Lopez-Acosta R, Wilhelmus MM (2022) “Spinning ice floes reveal intensification of mesoscale eddies in the western Arctic Ocean”, Scientific Reports, 12: 7070.
Sulpis O, Humphreys MP, Wilhelmus MM , Carroll D, Berelson WM, Menemenlis D, Middelburg JJ, Adkins JF (2022) “RADIv1: a non-steady-state early diagenetic model for ocean sediments in Julia and MATLAB/GNU Octave”, Geoscientific Model Development, 15: 2105–2131.
Rage G, Atasi O, Wilhelmus MM, Hernandez-Sanchez JF, Haut B, Scheid B, Legendre D, Zenit R (2020) “Bubbles determine the amount of alcohol in Mezcal”, Nature Communications, 10: 11014.
Wilhelmus MM, Nawroth JC, Bhargav R, Dabiri JO (2020) “Effect of swarm configuration on fluid transport during vertical collective motion”, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 15: 015002.
Palacios-Muniz B, Rosario A, Wilhelmus MM, Zetina S, Zenit R (2019) “Pollock avoided hydrodynamic instabilities to paint with his dripping technique”, PLoS One, 4(10): e0223706.
Lopez-Acosta R, Schodlok M, Wilhelmus MM, (2019) “Ice Floe Tracker: An algorithm to automatically retrieve Lagrangian trajectories via feature matching from moderate-resolution visual imagery”, Remote Sensing of Environment, 234: 111406.
Peck RA, Bahena E, Jahan R, Aguilar G, Tsutsui H, Princevac M, Wilhelmus MM, Rao MP (2018) “Meso-scale particle image velocimetry studies of neurovascular flows in vitro”, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 142: e58902.
Wilhelmus MM, Dabiri JO (2014) “Observations of large-scale fluid transport by laser-guided plankton aggregations”, Physics of Fluids, 26: 101302.